
Akafudo Adachi Fukushima

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Akafudo 赤不動 Red Fudo

Endoogataki Fudoo son 遠藤ヶ滝不動尊
Fudo at the waterfall Endogataki

Nr. 31 相応寺 新義真言宗 - 赤不動
Soo-ooji 相応寺 So-O-Ji
Fukushima 福島県 - 智慧の道場 - chie

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .


福島県安達郡大玉村玉井字南町188 - Ootama village, Adachi town

Main statues are Dainichi Nyorai and Fudo Myo-O

The temple was founded by priest Tokuitsu in 807. It was located high up in the mountain and in winter, heavy snow made the access difficult.

In 1394 the temple was relocated further down to Kameyama 亀山
and in 1563 during the life of priest 実弁法印 relocated again to its present place and greatly enlarged.

- Chant of the temple

at the food of
mount Adatara yama
we pray at the Fudo Statue
pounded by the waterfall

Mount Adatarayama is a volcano in central Fukushima, about 1700 meters.
There are many hot springs in the area too.

Kukai Kobo Daishi, priest Tokuitsu and the fighting with the Emishi people in the Tohoku region by the imperial government in Kyoto.
. Enichiji 慧日寺 Enichi-Ji .


source : mikenikoban/kenpoku/endougataki

The statue is in memory of the story of the Adachi Samurai 遠藤盛遠 Endo Morito.
Endo fell in love with 袈裟御前 Kesa Gozen, but the love was not fullfilled, since she was married. He ended up killing her with his own sword, as she had lured him to a room to kill her husband, but was there herself to end her tragic love situation.
After her death he became a priest and took the name of Mongaku 文覚.
He often took ablutions for his sin under the waterfall, which eventually was named after him - 遠藤ヶ滝 Endogataki - Endo Waterfall.

One Fudo statue in the temple was carved by
. Priest Tokuitsu 徳一大師 (760 - 835) .


. MONGAKU, Priest Mongaku 文覚(もんがく) .

July 20. 保延5年(1139年) - 建仁3年7月21日(1203年8月29日)
His name was Endoo Moritoo 遠藤盛遠 Endo Morito.

Mongaku Ki 文覚忌 Mongaku Memorial Day
Moritoo Ki 盛遠忌 Morito Memorial Dab

. WKD - Memorial Days of Famous People .
kigo for early autumn

hiyamugi kuu zoo wa Mongaku no gyoo ni samo nitari

the monk who eats
chilled wheat noodles resembles
priest Mongaku in his asceticism . . .

. Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .


Adatara no rurifusuma nasu takibi kana

Mount Adatarayama
provides an azure-blue folding-screen background
for our bonfire . . .

. Katoo Shuuson 加藤楸邨 Kato Shuson (1905-1993) .




Kuroyanagi Shooha 黒柳召波 Kuroyanagi Shoha (1727-1771)


CLICK for more photos !

- quote
Mount Adatara (安達太良山 Adatara-yama)
is a stratovolcano on the main island of Honshu in Japan.
It is located about 15 kilometres southwest of the city of Fukushima and east of Mount Bandai. Its last known eruption was in 1996.

The mountain is actually multiple volcanoes forming a broad, forested massif. It abuts Mount Azuma, a dormant volcano to the north. The peak is called Minowa-yama. It is the highest peak in the Adatara range, which stretches about 9 km in a north-south direction.

The active summit crater is surrounded by hot springs and fumaroles. Sulfur mining was carried out in the 19th century, and 72 mine workers were killed in an eruption in 1900. Poems about Mount Adatara by Kōtarō Takamura from his book "Chieko-sho" helped make it famous.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


- - - reference - Adachi Fukushima - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


source : www.cosmo-kaken.co.jp

. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
March 11, 2011, 14:46


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