
Mikawa Pilgrims INFO

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Mikawa - Aichi - 3 temples

About 180 km to walk.

ガン封じ 西浦山 無量寺 - cancer
Muryooji 無量寺 Muryo-Ji

中風除け 性海山 妙善寺 - palsy
幡豆郡幡豆町大字東幡豆字森66 (はずちょう) - Hazuchoo

ぼけ封じ 転法輪山 養学院 - boke dementia
Yoogakuin 養学院 Yogaku-In - Michibiki Fudo みちびき不動
- source : www.gld.mmtr.or.jp

- - - - - other quotes

Aichi Reijo 愛知霊場:三河三不動

Muryooji 無量寺 Muryo-Ji
蒲郡市西浦町日中30 - Gamagoori

Soojiji 総持寺 Sooji-Ji
知立市西町新川48 - Chiryuu, Chiryu

Yoogakuin 養学院 Yogaku-In
豊川市麻生田町縄手69-1 - Toyokawa

- source : www.aruku88.net/


Yoogakuin 養学院 Yogaku-In
転法輪山養学院 - 豊川市麻生田町縄手69-1 - Toyokawa

boke fuuji ぼけ封じ Fudo prevents dementia

Also in the following pilgrimages

東海不動 (16番)」- to 36 Tokai Fudo temples
三河三不動 (3番)」- to 3 Fudo temples in Mikawa

三河白寿 (14番)」- to 19 Kannon temples in Mikawa

東三河四国 (1番)」- 東三河新四国八十八ヶ所
to 88 Henro tempes in the Tokai and Mikawa area

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.toyokawa-map.net

. . Boke yoke, boke-yoke ボケ除け - ぼけ除け
not to become senile . .


Hooraiji 蓬莱寺 Horai-Ji in Mikawa


- quote
Mikawa Province (三河国 Mikawa no kuni)
in the area that today forms the eastern half of Aichi Prefecture. Its abbreviated form name was Sanshū (三州 or 参州). Mikawa bordered on Owari, Mino, Shinano, and Tōtōmi Provinces.

Mikawa is classified as one of the provinces of the Tōkaidō. Under the Engishiki classification system, Mikawa was ranked as a “superior country” (上国) and a “near country” (近国).

Mikawa is mentioned in records of the Taika Reform dated 645, as well as various Nara period chronicles, including the Kujiki, although the area has been settled since at least the Japanese Paleolithic period, as evidenced by numerous remains found by archaeologists.

Historical Districts
Atsumi District
Hazu District
Hekikai District
Hoi District
Kamo District
Nukata District
Shitara District
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- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




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