
Kyushu Pilgrims INFO

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九州三十六不動尊霊場 Kyushu - 36 Fudo temples

九州三十六不動めぐり ― お不動さまのご利益を授かる旅!

It takes about 1530 kilometers to walk.


- source : www.rengein.jp/archive/reijyo


. Oita 大分県 .
01 両子寺 無風帯不動 Futago-Ji - Mufutai Fudo
02 神宮寺 大獄不動 Jingu-Ji - Daigoku Fudo
03 成仏寺 除災不動 Jobutsu-Ji - Josai Fudo
04 文殊仙寺 仙の不動 Monjusen-Ji - Sen no Fudo
05 実相院 夷不動 Jisso-In - Ebisu Fudo
06 無動寺 黒土不動 Mudo-Ji - Kurotsuchi Fudo
07 応暦寺 慈相不動 Oreki-Ji - Jiso Fudo
08 三明院 身代り不動 Sanmei-In - Migawari Fudo
09 円寿寺 願かけ不動 Enju-Ji - Gankake Fudo
10 臨済寺 厄よけ不動 Rinzai-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo

. Miyazaki 宮崎県 .
11 光明寺 萬寿不動 Komyo-Ji - Manju Fudo
12 長久寺 魔よけ不動 Chokyu-Ji - Mayoke Fudo
13 潮満寺 波切り不動 Choman-Ji - Namikiri Fudo
14 極楽寺 厄除不動 Gokuraku-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo

. Kagoshima 鹿児島 .
15 高野山西大寺 厄よけ不動 Koyasan Saidai-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo
16 最福寺 厄よけ不動 Saifuku-Ji - Yakuyoke Fudo
17 福昌寺 波切り不動 Fukusho-Ji - Namikiri Fudo

. Kumamoto 熊本県 .
18 高野寺 出世不動 - Koya-Ji, Shusse Fudo
19 長寿寺 木原不動 - Choju-Ji, Kihara Fudo Son
20 大慈寺 水かけ不動 - Daiji-Ji, Mizukake Fudo
21 蓮華院誕生寺 一願成就不動 - Renge-In
01 bangai - 人吉恵山会 人吉不動 Hitoyoshi Fudo
02 bangai - 荒尾不動院 倶利伽羅不動 Arao Fudo-In, Kurikara Fudo

. Nagasaki 長崎県 .
22 龍照寺 厄よけ不動 - Ryusho-Ji, Yakuyoke Fudo
23 正覚寺 波切り不動 - Shokaku-Ji, Namikiri Fudo

. Saga 佐賀県 .
24 誕生院 錐鑽 身代り不動 Tanjo-In - Kirimomi Migawari Fudo
25 大聖寺 杉岳の身代り不動 Daisho-Ji - Suginotake Migawari Fudo
26 無動院 願かけ不動 - Mudo-In Gankake Fudo
27 正福寺 身代り不動 Shofuku-Ji - Migawari Fudo
28 千如寺宝池坊 道中守り不動 Sennyo-Ji - Dochu Mamori Fudo
29 真光院 くぼた不動 Shinko-In - Kubota Fudo
30 延命院 一願不動 Enmei-In - Ichigan Fudo
31 金乗院 出世不動 Konjo-In - Shusse Fudo

. Fukuoka 福岡県 .
32 清岩寺 開運厄よけ不動 Seigan-Ji - Kaiun Yakuyoke Fudo
33 (?92) 不動院 身代り不動尊 Fudo-In - Migawari Fudo
34 (88) 鎮国寺 波切り不動 Chinkoku-Ji - Namikiri Fudo
35 恵光院 五鈷不動 Eko-In - Goko Fudo

36 東長寺 結願不動 Tocho-Ji - Ketsugan Fudo
- The Last Fudo Pilgrim Temple

- - - this is also the first temple of the pilgrimage
.九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples.
in honor of Kukai Kobo Daishi.


- source and photos : www.geocities.jp/htngw620


- source : www.coara.or.jp/~rinsaiji
with temple introduction


九州三十六不動霊場会 - Facebook Page
- source : facebook.com/kyushyu36fudou

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. 九州88ヶ所108霊場 Kyushu - 88 and 108 Henro temples .
in honor of Kobo Daishi


Mountain Mandalas - Shugendo in Kyushu
Allan G. Grapard

In Mountain Mandalas Allan G. Grapard provides a thought-provoking history of one aspect of the Japanese Shugendo tradition in Kyushu, by focusing on three cultic systems: Mount Hiko, Usa-Hachiman, and the Kunisaki Peninsula. Grapard draws from a rich range of theorists from the disciplines of geography, history, anthropology, sociology, and humanistic geography and situates the historical terrain of his research within a much larger context.

This book includes detailed analyses of the geography of sacred sites, translations from many original texts, and discussions on rituals and social practices. Grapard studies Mount Hiko and the Kunisaki Peninsula, which was very influential in Japanese cultural and religious history throughout the ages. We are introduced to important information on archaic social structures and their religious traditions; the development of the cult to the deity Hachiman; a history of the interactions between Buddhism and local cults in Japan; a history of the Shugendo tradition of mountain religious ascetics, and much more.
- - - Table Of Contents
- source : bloomsbury.com/au/mountain-mandalas -


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .


- #kyushufudopilgrims -

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