
Enshu Pilgrims INFO

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遠州八大不動 Enshu - 8 temples

now the southern part of Shizuoka - Tootoomi 遠江 Totomi
including Lake Hamanako 浜名湖

Tootoomi no Kuni 遠江国 Province ot Totomi


01 妙見山 不動院 掛川市旭町 - Kakegawa town

02 遍照山 弘法院 袋井市上山梨
静岡県袋井市上山梨914-2 - 914-2 Kamiyamanashi, Fukuroi


source : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kamenosawa

03 篠谷山 岩松寺 浅羽町浅羽

also Nr. 6 of the 33 Kannon of Enshu


04 甲江山 鴨江寺 浜松市鴨江
静岡県浜松市中区鴨江4-17-1 -4 Chome-17-1 Kamoe, Naka Ward, Hamamatsu
- source : http://kamoeji.jp


05 観潮山 快真寺 浜松市鴨江
?Kaimadera 快真寺
静岡県浜松市鴨江1-41-8 - 1 Chome-41-8 Kamoe Naka Ward, Hamamatsu

also on the route of 88 Henro temples around Hamanako

- source and photos : ameblo.jp/goshuincho


06 知足山 不動院 浜松市入野町
静岡県浜松市西区入野町1900-3 -1900-3 Irinocho, Nishi Ward, Hamamatsu


07 鏡光山 応賀寺 新居町中之郷
Oogaji 応賀寺 Oga-Ji

- source : www.ougaji.jp


08 瑠璃山 大福寺 三ヶ日町大福寺

- source : daifukuji.sakura.ne.jp


- bangai 番外 2 extra one's -

法多山 尊永寺 袋井市豊沢
静岡県袋井市豊沢2777 - 2777 Toyosawa, Fukuroi

厄除観音 Yakuyoke Kannon
- source : www.hattasan.or.jp

医王山 油山寺 袋井市村松
Yusanju 油山寺 Yusan-JI
静岡県袋井市村松1 -1 Muramatsu, Fukuroi, Shizuoka

- source : www2.wbs.ne.jp/~yusanji


飯淵不動尊 Ibuchi Fudo Son
飯淵のお不動さん Ibuchi no O-Fudo San
あやかり不動 Ayakari Fudo to share Good Luck

飯淵(渕)不動山 Ibuchi Fudosan-
Chootokuji 長徳寺 Chotoku-Ji

焼津市(旧大井川町) Yaizu town (former Oigawa town)

- source : blog.livedoor.jp/shizuokak



- quote
Totomi province
As with many of the provinces that can be paired as 'front' or 'back', Totomi province can be paired with Omi province, for while Omi is the "near faint sea", Totomi is the "distant faint sea". This is likely a reference to Lake Hamana and may have originated from its position in antiquity as the outer reaches of the Yamato polity (Hara 1986). In 642, an imperial edict conscripting workers from around the country designated that span as 'from Totomi in the east to Aki in the west'.

Throughout history, Totomi has been closely connected with the provinces of Ise and Mikawa due to their geographical locations. According to the Nihongi, by the early 8th century, soon after a visit by Empress Jito (r. 686-697) in 702, Totomi was designated as a chugoku, or "province of middling distance" from the capital, while Mikawa was considered a kinkoku, or "province near to" the capital.

The Tokaido, or Eastern Sea Route, was officially named in the latter half of the 7th century and passed north of Lake Hamana. This was one of the routes designated throughout the country for conducting official business, and continued to be used throughout Japan's history, later becoming one of the major routes for daimyo traveling to Edo for the Sankin Kotai.

Since the mid-5th century, the Mononobe family and their kin appear to have been powerful in the region as provincial chieftains. Evidence including genealogies, place names, and local legends seem to point to a connection with the Mononobe playing a large role in the early history of Totomi and nearby provinces.

In 772, eight townships were carved out of Saya district to form the Yamana district. Of those eight, six were listed in the Heian-period Wamyosho. A Tokugawa period gazeteer, Kakegawa shiko, mentions that the Yamana district was so named by dropping the 'shi' off of Yamanashi--possibly the original name for the district.
- source : wiki.samurai-archives.com

. 三河三不動尊霊場 Mikawa - Aichi - 3 Fudo temples .


- reference : blogs.yahoo.co.jp/kamenosawa

- reference : osamukun.la.coocan.jp

- - - reference - - -

. Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .


. Narita Fudo 成田不動尊 .
Temple Shinshooji 新勝寺 Shinsho-Ji

. O-Mamori お守り Amulets and talismans from Japan . 

. Japanese Temples - ABC list - .




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