
Mudra of Fudo

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Mudra, Mudrā of Fudo Myo-O
(hand gestures, postures, emblems)

不動明王印 Fudo Myo-O no In

More about the hand positions and gestures of Buddha statues.

Daruma Mudra


- quote -

I came across another unusual Fudo Myo. This statue is at the base of the steps leading up to Ryuzoji, and as you can see he has absolutely nothing in either hand. His hands appear to be in a mudra, which are the hand positions that Buddhas and other Buddhist deities use, often to indicate the nature of the particular figure. Mudras are also used as a meditation technique. ...
- source : Jake Ojisan -


There are 14 mudra signs attributed to Fudo Myo-O in various Sutras :

01 needle sign, one-legged sign, mystic mudra
02 treasure mountain mudra
03 head mudra
04 eye mudra
05 mouth mudra

06 mind symbol
07 back manual sign, shiso kaji in 印
08 shishi funjin sign (a lion at bay) 分身不動
09 fire-flame manual sign
10 kaen rinshi manual sign, cessation of fire

11 sankha manual sign
12 khadga sword manual sign, removes disaster
13 noose manual sign
14 three-legged diamond manual sign

- Reference : Sampa Biswas -


- #fudomudra #mudrafudo -

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