
Fukagawa Fudo and Tomioka


Fukagawa Fudo Do (Fudoo Doo) 深川不動堂

The Fudo Hall in Fukagawa was the "Edo Branch" of the famous Fudo in Narita.
This temple is Nr. 12 in the Kanto Fudo Pilgrimage.

Fukagawa no O-Fudo san 深川のお不動さん

関東三十六不動霊場二十番札所 Nr. 20 of the pilgrimage
. Pilgrimage to 36 Fudo Temples in Kanto / Bando .


source : facebook


. Onegai Fudoo おねがい不動さま / お願い不動
Onegai Fudo Sama - Fudo to make a wish .

Built as a chokugan-ji on order of 嵯峨天皇 Saga Tenno (786 - 842) by Kobo Daishi.
. Chokuganji 勅願寺 Chokugan-Ji, "Imperial Temple" .


Stretching out in front of Monzen-Nakacho Station on the Tozai subway line is a long, bustling road. Along the way are the grounds where the temple Eidaiji once stood. The temple Naritasan Shinshoji in Chiba began lending a statue of the deity Fudo Myoo to Eidaiji in 1703, a practice it continued nearly every year.

Many people gathered to worship each time the statue was placed on display, and there were calls to make the display permanent. In the Meiji era (1868-1912) a replica of the Fudo Myoo statue was brought from Naritasan Shinshoji, and Fukagawa Fudodo was established on the grounds of Eidaiji to house it.

On the first, fifteenth, and twenty-eighth of every month, many people gather as dozens of food stalls are set up along the street leading to the temple. This street is lined on both sides with long-established shops selling such familiar products as tsukudani (food boiled down in soy sauce) and traditional sweets. This is a perfect place to get a taste of Shitamachi.


If visiting Fukagawa on an ordinary day, a stopover at Fukagawa Fudo temple near Exit 1 of Monzen Nakacho Station is well worth it. A branch of the great Narita Fudo in Chiba Prefecture, Fukagawa Fudo is housed in an Edo-period building moved from Chiba; it's not large, but is impressively decorated with carvings and handsome beams. You may enter the main hall when it is not used for services.

The Fudo temple first started renting a corner of Eitai-ji, an influential temple which held sway over most of southern Fukagawa and was closely affiliated with Tomioka Hachiman-gu since the 17th century. After the 1868 ordinance to separate the two religions, Eitai-ji suffered a rapid decline, while the Fudo temple flourished, riding on the patronage of Fudo temples by Kabuki actor Danjuro (Danjuuroo 団十郎).

The Japan Times: Aug. 5, 2005

. Gofunai Nr. 68 - Eitaiji 永代寺 Eitai-Ji .
and Tomioka Sumo monuments
Jinmaku Kyuugoroo 陣幕久五郎 Jinmaku Kyugoro (1829 - 1903)


Fukagawa osame no Fudo 収めの不動

Osame no fudo (year-end fairs) can be found all over town, but the one to watch for this Dec 28 is held at Fukagawa Fudo Temple in downtown Monzennakacho. Check out the souvenir shops that line the street leading to the temple, and try some traditional Japanese confectionery or the local specialty, fukagawa-meshi (steamed rice mixed with clams). With next year being the 300th anniversary of the temple, there痴 sure to be plenty going on.

1-17-13 Tomioka, Koto-ku. Tel: 03-3641-8287. Nearest stn: Monzen nakacho.

............................... Osame-Fudo is a kigo for Winter.


Amulets from Fukagawa Fudo 御守り

Blue Fudo

waraji わらじお守り  straw sandal amulets

goma seihai 護摩聖灰 sacred ashes from a Goma fire ritual

The temple has fire rituals five times a day. The ashes are put in five envelops with different colors, for the Fudo of Five Colors (Goshiki). The envelops are hung up at the ceiling of the home to prevent fire.

. 江戸の五色不動明王 Goshiki Fudo of Edo .

source : www.omairibiyori.com


Close by is Tomioka Hachimangu.
see below.

gankake kitsune 願掛けきつね fox to make a wish

The Fukagawa Shusse Inari shrine 深川出世稲荷
is in the compound of the temple.
After having received a flint for the New Year fire (kriibi 切り火 ) people came to this shrine. 
They bought this white fox with the wish for a good career. You had to write your wish on a sheet of paper, roll it small and stick it inside the statue of the white fox, which was open at the bottom for this purpose.
Now other people could not read your wish and the statue was safely left at the shrine.
The priest from the tempel would come over and strike the flint two times over the newly offered fox, making a noise like "katsu katsu" (to win, to win).
Now the pilgrim was ready for the new year, with his emotions well in order to deal with the vicissitudes of life.


真言宗 智山派 深川不動堂







WASHOKU : Fukagawa and Food

Fukagawameshi ふかがわめし/ 深川
Rice from Fukagawa

Fukagawa-don, a bowl of rice topped with a miso-based stew of clams (asari) and green onions

Matsuo Basho lived in Fukagawa, on the other bank of the River Sumida.
MORE - hokku about Fukagawa by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Fukagawa nezumi 深川鼠 (ふかがわねずみ) shades of GREY. GRAY and Haiku


Fudo Myo-O for a good career !
. Shusse Fudoo 出世不動尊 at Fukagawa .



Fukagawa ya fune mo hito-gumi toshiwasure

on a boat, too, a party
drinks away the year

Kobayashi Issa 一茶
Tr. David Lanoue


Fukagawa ya momo no naka yori shiohigari

Fukagawa !
through the peach blossoms
people are gathering shells

Kobayashi Issa 一茶

shiohigari - gathering shells and small seafood at low tide.
Fukagawa had a great flatland tidal area where people could collect cheap seafood.


Fukagawa Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮
東京都江東区富岡 1-20-3


The shrine was founded in 1627 with reclamation of the shoal. The God Hachiman whom the shrine reveres was also a local Shinto deity of the Minamoto clan thus the shinto shrine received cordial protection by the Tokugawa shogunate. On other hand, the shrine was cordinal revered from the people of shitamachi, and familiar as "Hachiman of Fukagawa".

At the Meiji period, the shrine lost the cordial protection like Edo period, but was chosen as Tokyo Ten Shrines (東京十社, Tokyo Jissha) by the Meiji government though it was the one inferior to Hikawa Shrine and other major shrines in the status that the government had provided.

Tomioka Hachiman Shrine is also known as the birthplace of Kanjin-zumō (勧進相撲), founded in 1684 and origin of the current professional sumo.
... In 1900 (Meiji 33), the stone monument to commend successive yokozuna, the Yokozuna Stone (横綱力士碑, Yokozuna Rikishi-hi), was built by Jinmaku Kyūgorō, the 12th yokozuna. Now, the stone inscribed with the shikonas of all yokozuna until Hakuhō Shō, the 69th yokozuna, and "unrivaled rikishi" Raiden Tameemon. The shrine has many other stone muments related to sumo.
Thus, when a rikishi reaches the rank of yokozuna, a dedication in the form of dohyō-iri is done at the shrine.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

. Tookyoo juusha 東京十社 Jusha -
ten important shrines of Tokyo .

Fukagawa's greatest shinto shrine is Tomioka Hachimangu. It was established in 1627 and is Tokyo's largest Hachiman Shrine. During the Edo period, sumo wrestlers tournaments were held here . . .
One of the prides of the shrine is its "ichi-no-miya" mikoshi, the biggest "mikoshi" in the Kanto region, weighing 4 tonnes.
Details are here :
source : www.wa-pedia.com

Mikoshi from Tomioka Hachimangu 富岡八幡宮 神輿

Tomioka Hachiman Shrine
Before Tokugawa Ieyasu moved to Edo, the Hachiman shrine in this area was located a bit further to the east, in Sunamura. The tiny village of Sunamura is located on a patch of high ground in the midst of the marshes, about five kilometers east of Edo. It is one of the oldest settlements in the area, but remains fairly rural and isolated due to the surrounding marshes. After Ieyasu became Shogun,the government naturally found it necessary to build a much more elaborate shrine, to thank the war god for bringing victory to the Tokugawa family. Therefore the site was moved to its current location and a large group of elaborate buildings was constructed. The shrine now serves not only as a place of worship, but also as the social and commercial center of the whole Fukagawa neighborhood.

From the plaza next to the boat landing, a wide avenue leads into the center of the shrine grounds. The path is paved with huge flagstones, and passes through two additional torii gates as it approaches the main shrine building Many smaller buildings dedicated to lesser deities line the avenue. This collection of shrine buildings is one of the largest in Edo. Only the Kanda Myojin shrine is comparable in size.

At the far end, on a raised platform of earth surrounded by stone walls, is the Shrine building itself. This huge structure was built in the mid 1600s, after most of the other earthworks and structures in the area were complete. Tomioka Hachiman Shrine remains one of Edo's most important centers of worship. Although the warlike traditions of the middle ages are slowly fading in importance, the shrine to the War God remains very important, particularly to members of the samurai class.

Just to the east of Tomioka Hachiman Shrine, separated from the shrine grounds by a narrow drainage canal and a line of pine trees, is a long, broad, windowless building that is a popular destination for any sightseer in Edo. This is the Sanju-San Gendo (Thirty-Three Alcove Temple). Fukagawa Sanju-San Gendo is actually a full-scale replica of a much older temple of the same name, located in Kyoto. Both the site in Kyoto and the one here in Edo are famous for the archery tournaments that take place in the gardens outside the building.

Archery has always been one of the main martial arts practiced by samurai. From an early age, young members of the warrior class are taught the skills of swordfighting and archery, as well as equestrian skills. Even today, when war is unheard of and these skills are never used in battle, it is important for all samurai to demonstrate their ability in archery. The Sanju-San Gendo is a center of archery training, and there are almost always some people in the garden taking target practice. Several times a year, the temple is also the site of an archery endurance test, when top champions demonstrate their amazing ability to fire arrows in rapid succession for hours on end. In 1728, one 13-year-old boy set an amazing record that stands to this day. Beginning in the second hour after dawn (about 8 AM) he began shooting arrows without stop. He fired a total of 5,848 arrows without stopping to rest, and only stopped when the tournament was suspended for darkness. This amounts to an average of about one arrow every 5 seconds for an entire day. If that is not already incredible, the official record of the incident states that 5,319 arrows struck the target. Only 529 missed!

In the garden of the Sanju-San Gendo, the samurai in their fine silk outfits practice archery. In this setting, the art of archery seems almost like a sport, and indeed, that is what it has become. It is almost hard to believe that skill with a bow and arrow was once a matter of life and death. Today, it is more a hobby for the samurai class. Even women can be seen practicing to sharpen their aim.
source : Edomatsu


kootsuu anzen 交通安全 sticker for safety in traffic

source : morikichi


. kachimamori 勝守 / 勝ち守り to win a battle .

. Amulet for good fishing 釣行安全 .


. Fukagawa Hachiman matsuri 深川八幡祭
Hachiman festival at Fukagawa, Tokyo .

Tomioka matsuri 富岡祭(とみおかまつり)Tomioka festival
kigo for early autumn

. Sumo 相撲  Sumo wrestling .


Kanto Pilgrimage Nr. 29 第十九番
. . Pilgrimages to Fudo Temples 不動明王巡礼
- Fudo Myo-O Junrei - Introduction .   .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 




  1. 深川の不動さん、とても懐かしいです。


  2. The Great Bridge of Fukagawa 深川大橋

    and MORE
    about Fukagawa in Edo

  3. Eitaibashi 永代橋 Eitai-bashi bridge

    Edo - Tokyo

  4. Fukagawa 深川 and the Tatsumi Geisha 辰巳芸者
    tatsumi is the south-east direction of Edo castle.

  5. shuushoku 就職お守り amulet to find a new job
    shuukatsu 就活 to look for a new job
    with The Sword of Wisdom of Fudo Myo-o 深川不動堂の不動智剣
    Fukagawa Fudo Do 深川不動堂 Tokyo .

  6. Sanjūsangen-dō 深川三十三間堂 Fukagawa Sanjusan Gendo Hall in Edo

  7. Monzennakachoo, Monzen-Nakachō 門前仲町 Monzen-Nakacho district
    江東区 Koto ward, 門前仲町一丁目 . 門前仲町二丁目 first and second sub-district



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