
Namikiri Fudo

- Tsunami Jizo, Namikiri Jizo, see below -

Wave-calming Fudo, Namikiri Fudo, Namikiri Fudô
波切不動尊 、浪切不動明王 / 波切り不動


There are more than 2000 Japanese entries googeling with this.

Namikiri Fudo at the Southern Temple at Mt. Koya
Koya-san no Nan-In
波切不動(高野山南院) 南院(なんいん)
This is the Headquarters of all the Namikiri temples 総本家.


While in China, Kobo Daishi (Kukai, Kooboo Daishii, Kuukai) made a statue of Fudo Myo-o. (Other versions know that he was given the statue by his teacher.)

When he was on his way back from his study trip to China in 806, his ship got caught in a severe storm. He prayed to the statue of this Fudo Myo-O to pacify the waves and behold, Fudo Myo-O thrust out his sword dowart the waves, cut them and the sea calmed.
This is the origin of the Wave-calming Fudo, Wave-cutting Fudo (wellenzerschneidender Fudo), which later became the protector deity of many seafarers and fishermen.

This statue corresponds to the 19 precepts of a classical Fudo statue, but the hair is bundled to small "Treasure knots" (gyokukei ぎょくけい 玉形), as you can see in the replica. It stands on a special throne of wild waves.


Long List of Fudo Statues and Temples.

Replica of the original statue



.. .. .. Replica sold online

Namikiri Fudo at Nan-In 南院
source : www.sea.sannet.ne.jp

. Fudo Myo-O at Mt. Koya 高野山 Koya San .


- Chant of the temple

shuin 朱印 temple stamp

- Homepage of the temple
- source : www.kinki36fudo.org/36

. Koya San in Wakayama 高野山 和歌山県 .


Temple Ooyama-ji, Shikoku Pilgrimage, Off List Nr. 1
Because the characters in the name can be read in two ways, this temple seems to be known by both names, Taisanji and Ôyamaji. Located near the peak of Taisan (or Ôyama) Mountain, it is just west of Temple 4 and between Temples 5 and 6

Legend states that the honzon was given to Kûkai by Huikuo, his master when he was studying in China. Sometime after his return to Japan, it is said that Kûkai gave the statue to this temple. There is also an important statue of Fudô Myôô in the hondô and a statue of Namikiri Fudô (Wave Calming Fudô) in a shrine at the peak of the mountain.

More information of the Off-list temples from the Shikoku Pilgrimage

Mark Schumacher about the Shikoku Pilgrimage and others.


Namikiri Fudo-In at the Temple Chooshoo-Ji, Chiba
成東山 不動院 長勝寺

This Fudo Temple was dedicated by Emperor Shomu in the Nara period, after Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki) walked in all parts of Eastern Japan in reverence of Fudo Myo-o.

During the Heian Period Kobo Daishi brought his religion to the area of Eastern Japan too and had fire ceremonies (goma kuyoo) for the people.

This Fudo is especially venerated by the fishermen of the area in Kujuku Hama, Chiba.




Talisman for Road Safety



Miyamima, Hiroshima Pref. and Toyotomi Hideyoshi

At the base of Mt. Misen is Chokugando (Imperial Prayer Hall) of Daisho-in Temple, in which is enshrined the statue of Namikiri Fudo Myo-o, which Hideyoshi had taken on board ship and to whom he offered prayers for safety and success in war when he dispatched troops to invade Korea.

. Daisho-In 大聖院 Miyajima .


Osaka Namikiri Fudo-Son, Nishinari ward

Also known as Mizu-kake Fudo Myo-o, this deity was unearthed at Matsu 1-chome in 1939. It stands approximately 150 cm tall, and was placed next to Saihoji in the same year as its discovery. Its surroundings were destroyed by fire in the numerous air raids during WWII; however, Namikiri Fudoson itself escaped damage. The deity thus gained a reputation as being able to grant wishes, and the number of worshippers grew daily.



Daisho-Ji, Namikiri Fudo Hall Chiba
大聖寺 浪切不動堂

. Daishooji 大聖寺 Daisho-Ji . - Chiba



(Ebizoo, Ebizo, Ichikawa Danjûrô II - Ichikawa Kuzô I)

November 1755: Ebizô plays in the same theater the roles of Hasebe Chôbei and the deity Namikiri Fudô Myôô in the kaomise drama "Arigatashi Yunzei Genji".

The Ichikawa Danjûrô (Danjuuroo) line of actors is closely related to the cult of Fudô Myôô.

. Ichikawa Ebizō V .
- as the Mystical Image (Reizō) of Fudō Myōō,



Wakayama Pref. Iwasaki



Yokohama Namikiri Fudo-Son
Temple Tatsuei-Ji
横浜立江寺 御本尊 横浜波切不動尊


Zushi Fudo 浪子不動


今から600年以上も昔のことです。披露山の続きの嶺のあたりから夜ごとに不思議な 光が射すようになりました。 すると今までたくさん獲れていた魚がぴたりと獲れなくなってしまいました。近くの漁師 たちの嘆きを聞いた頼基法印という高僧が、光の射す嶺のあたりを調べてみると、岩屋 の中に石の不動尊像を見つけました。 
この不動堂の周辺が、徳富蘆花の小説「不如帰」の舞台になったことから、小説 のヒロイン「浪子」の名が転じて浪子不動と呼ばれるようになりました。



- source : www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~kanzoin

Fudo Myo-o (Namikiri-Fudo ritsuzo)
Somekawa Eisuke Somekawa 染川英輔 1983






Copyright (C) 2004 HOUTOKUJI


Sutra with Furigana


Namikiri Fudo Talisman at the Temple Nr. 36, Shikoku

. 武相不動尊二十八所 - Busoo - Buso Kanto Pilgrimage
Musashino and Sagami - 28 temples .

13 明王山 西光寺(鴨居山 林光寺) 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo
8 瑞應山 蓮華院 弘明寺 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo

. 東北三十六不動尊霊場
36 Fudo Temples in Tohoku .

09 多聞院 - 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo - Akita
10 吉祥院 - 波切不動尊 - Namikiri Fudo - Akita

- - - 津軽弘法大師霊場 - Tsugaru Kobo Daishi Reijo
Pilgrimage to 23 Kobo Daishi temples in Tsugaru .  
. 03 - Hookoo-In 法光院 Hoko-In .
.07 - Kakuooin 覚應院 / 覚応院 Kakuo-In .


- - - Kyushu 36 Fudo Pilgrims

. Fukushoojin 福昌寺 Fukusho-Ji .
Kagoshima Fudo Pilgrims Nr. 17

. Shookakuji 正覚寺 Shokaku-Ji .
Nagasaki Fudo Pilgrims Nr. 23


Nakiri Jinja 波切神社 Nakiri Shrine
1 Daiocho Nakiri, Shima, Mie / 志摩市大王町波切1番地

This shrine is located in the 志摩郡 Shima district in the village of 大王町 Daio.
In its compound there is a special stone.
kujira ishi 鯨石 "Whale Stone"
which is said to have been found in the stomach of a whale.

source : wikipedia

The main deity of the shrine is
国狭槌神 (くにのさづちのかみ)Kuni no Sazuchi no Kami
Kunisatsuchi no Mikoto 国狭槌尊

- - - - - The Legend of Nakiri Shrine - - - - -
- quote -
Long, long ago, there lived a one-eyed giant, called Hitotsume (一つ目) - With One Eye. He was very fearsome, and did lots of evil deeds, and was always a big problem for the villagers around. He used to churn up the ocean, with his legs, making huge waves, that would run down the lands, and wash off all the crops; he would come into the land and kidnap the village girls.
Fed up with the giant and all his evil deeds, the villagers seek advice from a wise monk called Dandara; who advised the villagers to make a huge straw sandal and float it out into the sea. The villagers followed the advice. Hitotsume found a huge straw sandal floating towards him, and thought that there was much bigger giant than him, living in the village.
Scared, Hitotsume stopped all his evil doings.
Even to this day, the tradition of floating the sandal is performed every September.
- reference source : -

waraji matsuri わらじ祭 straw sandal festival

. More legends from Nakiri .


. 地蔵菩薩 Jizo Bosatsu - Kshitigarbha .

. tsunami 津波 伝説 Tsunami legends .

tsunami Jizoo 津波地蔵 Tsunami Jizo
There are some statues of Jizo with various names, indicating the place where a huge Tsunami stopped after destroying a village.


namikiri Jizoo 波切り地蔵 "wave-cutting Jizo "

Chiba 千葉県

千葉県一宮町東浪見2517 / Ichinomiya, Torami

During the Great Genroku Earthquake in December 1705, 元禄地震 there was a huge Tsunami approaching the Ichinomiya Torami village. This Jizo statue stands on the farthest point where the waves reached, about 1.3 km from the coast. It shows the power of the Genroku Tsunami.

- reference : bousaihaku.com/cgi-bin -

In Shizuoka, 下田市 Shimoda town

Once there came shiroi hige no roojin 白いひげの老人 an old man with a white beard.
He warned the residents of Shimoda before a Tsunami and told them to evacuate to the mountain, 下田富士 Shimoda Fuji. After the first Tsunami hit the town, he warned the people again: "There is another big Tsunami coming, so don't go home yet, stay here on the mountain!"
And when the last big Tsunami had hit, there was a sparkle in the sky and he flew off.
This was in fact namikiri Jizo 波切り地蔵.

A Jizo statue called 「波切り地蔵」or 矢負い地蔵 Ya hiroi Jizo」
. Kakurinji 鶴林寺 Kakurin-Ji .
Shikoku Henro Temple Nr. 20 


tsunami Jizoo 津波地蔵 Tsunami Jizo
高知県高知市 仁井田 Kochi

source : shikoku-saigai.com/archives

In Memory of the 宝永地震の津波 Hoei Earthquake and Tsunami in 1707.


michibiki Jizoo みちびき地蔵 Jizo leading the Way
The guiding Jizo

宮城県気仙沼市大島 Miyagi Kesennuma, Oshima

For an earthquake in 1770.

It is featured in the Manga Tales of Japan まんが日本昔ばなし.
- reference : wikipedia -

- After the Great Tohoku Earthquake March 2011

A new Michibiki Jizo was dedicated in Kesennuma,
気仙沼市の後九条 Ushirokujo
made by the actor and sculptor 滝田栄 Takita Sakae in 2013

source : kokoropress.blogspot.jp/2013


namiseki Jizoo doo 波せき地蔵堂 Namiseki Jizo Hall
京都府宮津市 Kyoto, Miyazu town, near 天橋立 Amanohashidate.

For the Earthquake in May of 701, 大宝元年3月.
- reference : wikipedia -


namiyoke Jizoo 波除け地蔵 Jizo warding off the wave"
福井県敦賀市 Fukui, Tsuruga

source : pure-pure.air-nifty.com/ai

About 400 years ago, a Tsunami once crossed the pass 関峠 Seki Toge, a pass on the road from Wakasa to Echizen, and came all the way to where this statue is now.
The statue is also called chikara no Jizo 力の地蔵, the Powerful Jizo.


- reference : 波切り地蔵 -


- #namikiri #namikirifudo #namikirijizo #tsunamijizo -


  1. Mizukiri Fudoo 水切り不動 Mizukiri Fudo, the "Water Cutter"

  2. - - - and in Scotland

    the most famous legend of Fionn Mac Cumhail surrounds the Giants Causeway in Country Antrim.

    The story goes that Fionn built the causeway to get to Scotland and battle with a rival giant called Benandonner. When he got there he found that the Scottish giant was asleep but also far bigger than himself, so Fionn returned back across the causeway.
    When Benandonner woke up he came across the causeway intent on fighting Fionn. Fionn's wife dressed up her husband as a baby and when Benandonner arrived she said Fionn wasn't home and to be quiet not to wake up the baby.
    When Benandonner saw the baby he decided that if the baby was that big, Fionn must be massive. So he turned tail and fled back across the causeway ripping it up as he went. All that remains are the ends, here at the Giant's Causeway and on the island of Staffa in Scotland where similar formations are found.
    shared by Patrick on facebook

  3. Nasu Namikiri Fudo 那須波切不動尊
    北照山 Hokushozan 田福寺 Denfuku-Ji 金乗院 Konjo-In


  4. namikiri Fudo 波切不動尊 "wave-cutting Fudo"
    明王山 Myoozan 西光寺 Saiko-Ji

    related to 鴨居山林光寺 Kamoizan Rinko-Ji

  5. Namikiri Fudo 波切不動尊 wave-cutting Fudo - Yokohama
    瑞應山 Zuiozan 蓮華院 Renge-In 弘明寺 Gumyo-Ji
    神奈川県横浜市南区弘明寺町267 ぐみょうじちょう / Kanagawa, Yokohama city, Minami ward, Gumyoji

  6. Henjooin 遍照院 Henjo-In Fudo - Chiryu Aichi
    namikiri Fudo carved by Kobo Daishi


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